Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Social media and it's impact on training, and life in general

Recently a friend of mine, Chris (@mrhump), introduced me to Twitter and @dailymile.  He told me about the support and motivation he had gotten from people through those channels. 

At first, this seemed strange to me!  Why would a bunch of people who don't know me, and has most likely ran way more miles than me, care about my training?  Why would someone in California or New York, who I've never met and who just finished running 10 miles, care that I just ran 5 (at a way slower pace)?  Why would people take time out of their very busy lives to give me advice or tell me what a great job I'm doing? 

This was sure to fail!

I took his advice and joined both Twitter and DailyMile.  I already have facebook and I'm posting my training there.  My family is supportive and my friends are letting me know how bad my knees are going to get and all of the better things that I could have done with those 2 hours instead of running.  So, why do I need another form of social media, much less two of them, in my already busy life?

The answers came quickly!  People who I had never met before not only didn't mind giving advice, they seemed eager to give it.  They not only cared that I had ran 5 miles, they seemed excited for me.  When my bad luck struck (bilateral hip stress fractures) they were there to assure me that I would recover and be back to running in no time.  People, who have never met me, are taking time out of their busy day to care!  If only we could get the rest of the world to care this much the world would be a much better place!

I just want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your support, your advice, your time and most of all your friendship.  I think the impact of social media on training, and life in general, is undervalued by many (including myself at one point in time).  I also want to thank @mrhump for getting me started, and for all of the support and advice he has sent my way!

Recently my brother, who lives 7 hours away, began a C25K program and I was able to introduce him to DailyMile as well.  DailyMile is now allowing me to give him the support and advice that I can't give in person because we live so far away.  Many of you have already welcomed him to DailyMile, and I thank you! 

I found the answers to the question that I asked, why would people care?  Because the running community is like a family, and they do care! 

What impact has social media had on your training/life?